Hi Siobhan, I don’t know how to contact you, so I thought I would respond to this article which is the latest one under your profile. I just wanted you to know that I submitted a story called Love in the Time of Corona to the Haven yesterday and today I saw that was the title of your newsletter.
I didn’t steal that from you. Actually your title was “love in the time of the corona virus” and mine was just in the time of corona.
I don’t know if you have anything to do with Medium publications specifically but I would happily remove it from submission to the Haven and let you play with it. They are good friends of mine and wouldn’t mind if I unsubmitted it.
It is a kind of a Marquez parody: https://medium.com/the-haven/love-in-the-time-of-corona-ce130276251c
Thanks. Great minds think alike.