No, good guess though. Kyrie Gray is my absolute favorite — her stories spread sunshine over my bleak existence every day (sometimes three times a day — girl is prolific).
Roy is a naughty boy who needs to be spanked and if he comes to LA I will do it.
But neither of them are really writers, they are more illustrators.
(kidding! I love your writing Kyrie! Alright, Roy, yours too.)
Speaking of illustrators/writers, Clem you have to check out this guy, holy shit. His illustrations are incredible and his writing is awesome.
SERIOUSLY — WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE HERE ON MEDIUM? Do you know that some of Daniel Williams blogs have zero claps. That’s fucking wrong. Please spread the word.
But he’s not the one who killed me softly with his blog. But you’re right, it doesn’t have to be a he, could even be a they. Keep your eyes open. Someone will kill you with their blog one day I’m sure of it.